I am a passionate fashion designer and pattern maker with an unyielding love for the arts, philosophy, and sociology.In my designs, I strive to capture the essence of emotion and thought, weaving together aesthetics . Each detail is a reflection of my fascination with the interplay of form and meaning.Rooted in a deep appreciation for the humanities, I aim to make my work a dialogue between style and substance, where garments not only adorn the body but also convey narratives that resonate with the complexities of the human experience.

I am a passionate fashion designer and pattern maker with an unyielding love for the arts, philosophy, and sociology.In my designs, I strive to capture the essence of emotion and thought, weaving together aesthetics . Each detail is a reflection of my fascination with the interplay of form and meaning.Rooted in a deep appreciation for the humanities, I aim to make my work a dialogue between style and substance, where garments not only adorn the body but also convey narratives that resonate with the complexities of the human experience.

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